Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The fifth insight and the great connection to the divine

The fifth insight and the great connection to the divine.

Lets start with a quick recap of the first four insights are as follows. First and second insights are to understand that there are coincidences in life. You have to notice them and once you do, you will begin to see your life’s purposes. The third insight is to understand that everything in this universe is made of energy. We have to think in terms of energy to understand the Earth and our own purposes. The forth insight is to practice seeing the coincidences and intuit of everyday life.

The fifth insight is to recognize the divine energy within you and become aware of it. We have to treat everything as though it is precious. The following is the fifth insight as fond on (Not my website J )


Insecurity and violence ends when we experience an inner connection with divine energy within, a connection described by mystics of all traditions. It is a sense of lightness--buoyancy--along with the constant sensation of love are measures of this connection. If these measures are present, the connection is real. If not, it is only pretended.

So it is saying that the more that your connected to everything, the more emotion you should have with it. It doesn’t matter if it’s a tree or a person. You should feel the love and energy from all things. This is what I believe that God wanted us to understand and do. Keep in mind that it is easy to forget due to the lifestyles that we lead. You have to find something that will remind you daily of the connection.

2008 New Years resolutions and the spirit

2008 is going to be a good year for resolutions. The world now is now more spiritually orientated than it has been for many years. People around the globe are beginning to see a world that is more people than materials. Just here in the United States I have see a huge jump in spirit in the past 2 years. Talk of God, the Creator, and the spirit of man. This holiday season just may spawn a new era in human kindness and understanding that this world has not seen in some time.

I watch global trends quite often. I watch everything from the stock markets to international foreign exchanges. I watch government policy and humanity in general. I have to tell you that what I see is the beginning of a new style of humanity. People are beginning to see that the world is not what they once thought it was. Money is not as important as it was just a few years ago. That is one of the most important steps into the human spirit that we can take. Keep in mind that without changing our perception, there will never be a change in this world. The following Insight is extremely important. It’s an understanding of the true meaning of life. It’s the first step of many.

If you can imagine, there are signs out there that we get everyday. If we continue to be blind to them we will always feel lost. One of my reasons for writing this is to help people see that there is more.

We have to keep our eyes open in order to see the signs. Once you start looking, you will start to notice more and more things in the world that your apt. to like and go after. For me it is charity and information. For some reason I have always felt and been driven to help people come together through Love and understanding. Part of that mission is to help people become aware of the environment and the people that live in it. It’s not the green environment that you’re thinking of, but the one that affects us daily. The drive to work and the things that we listen to on the news is also an environment. Another one is your children and the things that they bring into your lives. It’s the way we treat each other. It’s the mindset of humanity and its effect on our daily lives. The environment that I speak of is perception. How do you perceive your life? Is there something that you can do to change the perception of others? When we begin to see the signs; we can truly find our life's mission. No one but you can find that mission, and certainly no one else can make you do it. It’s a choice that you must make.

What will your New Years Resolution be?

Monday, December 24, 2007

Solar system could be in for a rough ride

Basically the events might be as follows. The earth rotates around the sun. Most people know that. What some scientists are speculating is that not only does it rotate around the sun, but it also moves up and down like a caracal. Not only that, but the entire solar system does the same within the galaxy. From what I can gather, the Earth will pass the center line or horizon of the galaxy in or around the year 2012. It is said that this center line or event horizon contains the strongest levels of energy within the galaxy. Understanding that weather, earth changes, and humans are all affected by energy; it makes you wonder what the affect of this passing might be. The Mayans talked a lot about the 2012 timeframe and they believe that it an age of enlightenment. It’s the passing of the age of Iron into the age of Spirit. It’s unclear at this point what exactly they were talking about. So many different people in the science community have so many different theories.

I have been a long time member and fan of Coast to Coast Am with George Noory. Many guests over the past 5 years have talked about the 2012 event and moreover, the time leading to that event. There are so many different stories about what might happen that I won’t even talk about it. What all the guests have in common is what they describe as the events leading to the 2012 time. I have listened to at least twenty or so shows that talk about 2008 to 2012. All of the guests talked about Earth changes, weather, volcanoes, hurricanes, and any other event that might disrupt or normal way of life. Some of theses stories are catastrophic and others are mild but disruptive. My philosophy is better to be safe then sorry.

I know that these stories, in fact, may not even be true. However, I want you to be aware that they are there. What if some of the stories really happen? Wouldn’t you want to know in advance? I know that I would. That is why I right this. I want to make you aware of a possibility. In the event that something bad happens, you should consider preparing yourself.

Some of the stories included tornadoes in places they don’t belong, ultra strong hurricanes, super typhoons, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Some even talked about super volcanoes erupting.

Below is a list of basic survival items that are a must have.

1. You should have at least 3 days of water! That includes all family members and your pets. The average for each person is 1 gallon per day. A family of three needs 9 gallons of water plus pets. You can assume about that much for them as well if the weather is hot.

2. You should also carry 3 days of non-perishable foods. Good things to have would be oatmeal, breakfast bars, peanut butter and bread, ect...

Remember, the body can have small doses of food, but you cannot short yourself water.

Items that you should keep for emergencies:

1. Portable Radio

2. Tools - Knives, Shovel, saws, portable stove, basic camping gear.

3. Flashlights - One for each member and enough batteries to all twice.

4. 3 Days of food

5. 3 Days drinking water

6. 5 Days of usable water for washing, cleaning, food cooking and medical

7. Enough food for your animals for 3 days.

8. Cooking stone with fuel. 7 days worth optimum. You can use it to boil water and cook if your power is out longer than 3 days.

9. A good medical kit. You never know what is going to happen. You can purchase large kits from your local pharmacy store.

Note: This should be a guide to start with only. The more you can store, the more that you will be prepared for emergencies. I personally store 3 months worth of survival gear including food and water. Another good long term item would be purification tablets. These are great for weeks of clean water.

Don’t believe anything that I say about 2012. I would rather you do your homework and find information for yourself. It’s really easy to do. Google and Yahoo have hundreds of sights listed that talk about 2012 and the Mayans. You can educate yourself and if you feel the need to prepare as I do, then it’s going to be up to you.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

2008 Presidential elections and candidates

The road is getting longer. Time is running out. The competition is closing in and the votes are being tallied. Who will save us? Are we able to be saved? These are the questions that most Americans are really asking. There isn’t an issue of immigration or health care reform. American’s are looking to true, honest leadership. They don’t want to hear any more promises that never come true. They want the truth. They may not admit it, but they all know that this country in trouble. They see the foreign companies buying our homeland. They see our jobs going overseas or to other countries. It’s not the lost job that hurts; it’s the lack of compassion from big tycoons will to sell our America for a dollar. Americans want a true leader. They want a leader to fight for their rights. They want a hero.

I have been watching the debates, media spots, and commercials for the upcoming people that have chose to be the candidates for the president of the United States. I have to tell you that I am disappointed in the selection. What I have been seeing is a bunch of politicians telling people what they “want” to hear, with the exception of Ron Paul. The people of this country want and will soon demand real change. Our youth are more involved in politics than ever before. The internet has become a portal for candidate information. I am so proud that the youth have taken a stand and begun to get involved. As adults and parents, I do believe that it is time to follow their lead and start learning and researching these people. We need to be as involved as our children.

Now it is time to practice what I preach. I went out, did the research and found my candidate. His name is Ron Paul. Let me tell what a relief it is to really find a man that will tell the truth. He wants the troop’s home. He knows that this is a war that we cannot afford to be in. I watch the stock market and he is absolutely right. The dollar has deflated because of the billions that we are dropping into this occupation. He also talks about going back to the Constitution. He wants to give people their freedoms back. If you go to, you can find many videos of interviews that relate to this man. Go do the research for yourself and tell me that he isn’t the right man for the job. He isn’t out there telling Americans what they want to hear. He is telling them the truth. He is telling a truth that many Americans don’t even know. You can also visit and look into is history yourself.

I do not want you to believe me. I want you to go out there and find the information yourself. I want you to think about your children and ask if Rudy Guiliani, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Fred Thomson, Mike Huckabee, Mit Romney or any other candidate is right for them. Our children have to live with OUR sins. Let us do our homework and get the right person in the office. Let us take away the major media’s foothold and find out the information by using other sources.

“Humans where never meant to tell each other what to do. We were simply to lead by example alone. A man that understands and believes this truth shall have God’s favor.” – Payitforward501

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Awareness and the fourth insight info sharing energy through attention

The first three insights show us that there is more to this life than just being. We have a life mission and to ignore it is destructive. Now we have to be aware that everyone is made of energy and that we share that energy with each other. It is not to be taken, but rather, given. If all people were to give instead of take, this world would be...perfect. When one person tells another what to do or uses strong tones, they are effectively taking the energy from another. If one were to ask the other if the could do something for them and did it nice with genuine care and concern for the other, then they are giving that energy.

Too often humans cut themselves off from the greater source of this energy and so feel weak and insecure. To gain energy we tend to manipulate or force others to give us attention and thus energy. When we successfully dominate others in this way, we feel more powerful, but they are left weakened and often fight back. Competition for scarce, human energy is the cause of all conflict between people.

I am efforting this type of behavior each and every day. Working hard to ensure that I am not taking the energy of others but rather, giving it. Its a harsh world and we have to be the ones to set the example by action. Caring and loving everyone should be the goal. No race, color or gender should ever come into play. It doesn't always take money, but it does take your attention. The world is slowing beginning to awaken to this. Its the true spirituality that we all seek. Its what we want to live for, even if you won't admit it.

Keep in mind the discourse of men, and remember that love shared is always the right answer. Don't watch the bad news, make the good news.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The power of the secret human and how we work

We need to understand the body's Power Supply in order to know our secret selves.

1.How does a car get power? The battery. How are we like a battery you ask? Well there are 3 components to making a battery work. You need:

Water (we have this)
Metal (we have this)
Acid (we have this too )

Now when you mix metal, water and acid you get an electrical charge. Now you know that the stomach has acid. All we have to do is add metal and water. Metal comes in the form of foods and vitamins. Vitamins are loaded with metal. That is why they are do good for you. However, if you do not have enough acid to disolve the metal and make a charge then taking the vitamins would do you no good. Likewise with water.

The Battery is the stomach and the intestines. Acid mixed with water and that "power" is inserted into the blood. The blood then streams through the body and to the brain. We all know there is some really neat electrical happening up there! If we do not give our bodies the proper acid, metal, and water limits, then our brain WILL be under powered.

So there is room for a really good diet.

Take a look at the effects of using acid. I have not, but some old friends of mine have. I would have to say that the extreme amounts of acid make way to much energy for the body to handle. So your brain has a vertual electrical overload. Now we know that when we dream, our brain does not know the difference of real and dreaming. So the overload causes the brain to run real fast. Then it begins misfiring and making it seem as though there are things before you that are not. Feelings you think you are having but not. You would have to know exactly what you want out of the experience in order to control it. I do not know anyone that can.

The brain is a computer!!!
There are certain things you need in order to run a computer.

Motherboard - Which can be compared to the spine.

Lets keep in mind that a computers motherboard contains all the devices that the computer needs to function. An example is a printer. You can consider your arms, legs, and hands and feet as periferials. They connect to the spine and are controls by the brain.

Ready Access Memory (RAM) - This is your conscious, front of the brain
This is your temporary cache for information. Its what we use for day to day activities. It works to help you make decisions, have emotions, and master of the true free will. We make choices each day that are solely controlled by the conscious. (There are much more things about this to talk about, but for now we will keep it simple.

Read Only Memory (ROM) - This is your sub-conscious, back of the brain.
The ROM is your harddrive. This is where information is perminent. From the age of 0 to 6 we are writing information into this area of the brain that allows us to survive the elements. We write everything that we observe here and use it the rest of our lives. Its very difficult to change the information in the sub-conscious.

Processor - This is the pineal gland (in my opinion)
Now the consious and the sub-conscious have to communicate information on a day to day basic. The sub-conscious has to provide the conscious with information to make the day. An example is, recognizing a toaster and what its function is. This information has to be loaded daily. Each time we sleep our cache is dumped and we rest. As we wake up, our conscious is reloaded with information from the sub-conscious. I believe that the pineal gland is the go between for the two consciouses. It takes the information and makes it readable to the conscious and vice versa.

Now lets exampine the breakdown of he human system as it applies globally.

Earth cycles: We have to understand the cycles of the Earth in order to know how it applies to the body. First, every so many thousands of years ( 6000) I think, the Earth starts a new cycle. The earth Begins to rotate at full speed. Land masses change. Civilization changes.

How does rotation speed effect the human? Well its simple. The faster the earth spins, the LESS gravity there is. For instance, tie a marble to a string and then tie the other end of the string to a pencil. Begin to spin the pincil and the marble will begin to space itself from the pencil. The faster you spin it the farther the marle will travel from the pencil.

Ok, now that you understand, lets look at the human body and the effects of gravitry. First, we look to biblical times. This is an era where the earth is mid-cycle and the gravity is about 1/2 less than it is right now. Just imagine yourself with half the gravity. I weigh 160 pounds right now. That means that back then I would weigh about 80 pounds. Now with my size my heart would only have to work 1/2 as hard as it does now. Same applies to all the other organs of the body. So if we think about it the body only had to work 1/2 as hard to grow then as it does now. This could explain the longer life spans of the people and the size differences. Remember that Noah was close to 10 ft. tall and lives something like 800 HUNDRED YEARS!! That is no longer possible. The Earth has slowed quite a bit and the gravity has increased at least 50% since then.

Imagine the effects of the brain then. It could be very large and operate with very little strain from gravity. I will not go deeper into this right now. Just know that gravity is working against us.

Understanding that own bodies are like batteries and the gravity is forcing us to do the same amount of work using twice the power to do it. This aso includes thinking and reacting. I believe that the sudden outbreak of depression in the world is in large part, due to gravitational forces wearing us out. It doesn't take much expend our energy anymore. Remember too that the Earth is constantly slowing down. So each and every day we are just a little heavier.

The great awakening of the mind and spirit within all

This is the third step to the evolution of the mind of man. The first step is to become aware of your coincidences and signs of your lifes mission. The second is to enhance that awareness and focus on your insights and intuit (gut feelings). Now the third insight is to realize that everything in this world is nothing more than energy. Its hard to imagine at first. Recall what the science books said about atoms and matter. It says that any physical object is nothing more than atoms clumped together. Well what is an atom? Its energy. Many scientists today will tell you that you cannot quantify an atom. That is to say, the is nothing in an atom that can be measured as solid. Its just there. So here is the third insight.

We now experience that we live not in a material universe, but in a universe of dynamic energy. Everything extant is a field of sacred energy that we can sense and intuit. Moreover, we humans can project our energy by focusing our attention in the desired direction...where attention goes, energy flows...influencing other energy systems and increasing the pace of coincidences in our lives.

Understanding the third insight is really easy. I use the ora theory. You have a bubble around you that is made of up energy that your body emits. Lets say mine is red and yours is blue. Now, lets say that you and I are meeting face to face and I am being a bit dominating. Now imagine my red energy trying to cover all of your blue energy. You start to feel claustrophobic, scared and trapped. Its because I am trying to control the moment.

Another example is focusing your energy on others. By simply staring at someone and thinking about them, you can send them energy from you. You friend is down on her luck. She is crying and upset. You confort her and talk to her. You give her your time and ear all the while concentrating on her. Within a short period of time, she is ok, energetic and ready to get up. This is because you shared your energy with her. Once your awareness of this type of energy transfer is possible and true, you will begin to focus and remember it all the time. Stop and ask yourself if your trying to dominate someone else. Are you taking thier energy and weaking them? Learn to control your energy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Economy Crazy and its real effects on the common man

The economy is one tough cookie to gauge these days. The volitility is insane. I love to watch the stock market for some reason and I have watched it for many years. I have a thinig for mathmatical trends and economic headlines.

We all know that the housing bubble has completely burst, and the fact that the ECB just dumped $500 Billion Dollars worth of Euros in to the system is a huge indicator of where the market is. Many people know that Europe is in some trouble with inflation and high consumer debt. The real truth is that most of that trouble stems from the US. Let me explain. Some of the bigger corps out around the world love to invest in the American market. They dump money into hedge funds and banks, bonds and the like. Many people don't know that many of those funds are tied in housing. When the housing bubble burst, many of those funds took heavy losses, which in turn hit all those companies that invested in them. Its a never ending spiral of goop that leads to every corner of the Earth. So Europe feels every hickup that the US economy has. Billions apon billions of dollars were lost when the banks started writing off the losses. First the stock brokers paniced and started selling everything. That causes the volitility that we see everyday. Then the banks begin to loose even more money as the shares are abandoned by the hundreds of thousands.

Now the banks have to jack up interest rates to try and cover their losses which is nearly impossible without breaking the backs of the common worker so they borrow money from the Central (theiving) Banks. The money they borrow is called a bail out. The gov hands the banks money to save their booties and it turn that deflates the dollar. ACH!

All in all, the us citizen is getting reamed for the problems of the banks. Its their fault for loaning money to people that could not afford to pay it back. People have to have better common cense than to live beyond their means. With the Gov bailing those banks out, its a pat on the back to the uninformed us citizen that didn't do his homework.

It is not right that we are not tough the in's and out's of home buying. Why didn't they teach us this stuff in highschool? Why do we have to pay for college to learn how not to be reamed? Its amazing.

Spiritual Awakening Step 2 A rise in awareness through coincidences

We have to practice alot in order to see the signs. Once you start looking, you will start to notice more and more things in the world that your apt. to like and go after. For me it is charity. For some reason I have always felt and been driven to help people come together through Love and understanding. Part of that mission is to help people become aware of the environment and the people that live in it. Its not the green environment that your thinking of, but the one that effects us daily. The drive to work and the things that we listen to on the news is also an environment. Another one is your children and the things that they bring into your lives. Its the way we treat each other. Its the mindset of humanity and its effect on our daily lives. The environment that I speak of is preception. How do you precieve your life? Is there something that you can do to change the preception of others? We we begin to see the signs, we can truely find our life's mission. No one but you can find that mission, and certainly no one else can make you do it. Its a choice that you must make.

This awakening represents the creation of a new, more complete worldview, which replaces a five-hundred-year-old preoccupation with secular survival and comfort. While this technological preoccupation was an important step, our awakening to life's coincidences is opening us up to the real purpose of human life on this planet, and the real nature of our universe.

I plan to practice all the insights that I have learned. I have showed you only 2 of 11. You have to start practicing these everyday and many of the other insights will take hold of you without you even knowing it. Its what I am learning.

Spiritual Awakening Part 1

Its time that people start to awaken. Humans in the past couple years have realized that there is more than just meterial objects out there. Keep in mind that without changing your preception, there will never be a change in this world. The following Insight is extremely important. Its an understanding of the true meaning of life. Its the first step of many. Please read this with an open mind.

A new spiritual awakening is occurring in human culture, an awakening brought about by a critical mass of individuals who experience their lives as a spiritual unfolding, a journey in which we are led forward by mysterious coincidences.

If you can imagine, there are signs out there that we get everyday. If we continue to be blind to them we will always feel lost. One of my reasons for writing this is to help people see that there is more. For more information please visit This is where I found some of this information.

Humanity and its never ending battle for domination

What is it that makes mankind the way that it is? Is the free will? What makes our kind so violent? Are we really a race of thieving, killing, savages? If you were to look into the history books, you would find that we are exactly that. A waring race. Is it so hard to love one another?

I consider myself to be an old soul. I have the intuition and the mindset of a race that once was at peace. A time when religion didn't determine the value of a human life. I can imagine a world were we are all at peace and living with one another with without trials or tribulations. Its hard to think that we can be like that. I know that we can. I also know how to do it.

It is preception that makes out reality. Its the way that we think about the world and the way we live it. Think outside the box for just a moment. What if there wasn't a need for cars? What if we could stay close to home and eliminate the use of gasoline? What if we could power our houses with magnets? What if we could teach our children what the world should be like so that they could live it?

It is so hard for me to conform to this life. I have felt on many ocassions that I just do not belong here. I know that most everything that we are doing as sentient beings is wrong. Yet, I like you, do the same things day after day and never for a moment stop and say enough. When is going to be enough for us? When will we learn our lesson? Its bad enough that we treat this planet like a waste dump. Its really bad that we teach our children to do the same thing. What does that say about us? I know that I am NOT innoscent. I am as guilty as anyone.

The true question that we must ask ourselves, is when are we going to change. Or better yet, when are we going to change our preception of how we live and why we are here. I know that change is hard. Its much more painfull to undo a bad habit than it is to start one. We have to make that choice. We have to engage our free will and change the world. The next question would be, what preception should we have of the world?

Here is the truth. Your preception should be that men were not and are not suppost to lead men! Mankind has freewill, hence there can be no leaders. For if there is a leader, if makes all free will invalid. What we are suppost to do is act by example. Not lead by example, but act. Action is a very powerful word. An example is showing your children love and not saying it or demanding it. Don't tell them what to do, but encourage them to make good decisions. Don't ground them for a bad grade, teach them what they didn't understand. Simple things that we just do not see. Don't put them on a diet, feed them the right food and exercise with them. Love them without punishment and they will be good people. They will make mistakes, but if you were to show them by action that what they did is not the right way, they will follow that action and become better for it.

Our mission on this earth is to learn to love everyone unconditionally. When you are not recognized as neither male nor famale, your eyes see no color, and you are not ashamed of your skin, then and only then can we change the world. Until we reach that type of preception we are doomed to our own ignorance.

Water Atmosphere

Have you ever just stopped and thought about the human? A human being. The keyword here is the being. I think about how wonderful and special we are. We are a perfect sentient being. We have the ability to be so great and wonderful. We are the most complex, beautiful thing on the planet. Before we can look to the stars for life, I believe we need to understand the life that is already here. We are not ready for others, because we do not understand self.
Back in the time of Noah, there was a huge flood that wiped the face to the earth clean of civilization. This great flood then receded and the life of the human began again. This I believe is most true and the things that I have come up with about the world before the flood MAY have been true.
Question 1: Where did all that water come from?I believe it was in the atmosphere, surrounding the Earth like a big bubble. I would guess that it was roughly 2 miles think and protected the Earth from any radiation of the sun.
Question 2:What would the world be like with a solid water atmosphere? Answer: Perfect. When you consider what the waterphere would produce it can and probably will blow your mind.
When Noah was building the Ark all the people of the land laughed and made fun of him. This is because no one had ever seen a boat of that size. There wouldn't be a body of water on the earth big enough to need such a ship. Which stands to reason that there were no oceans. Oceans would be created when the waterphere collapsed(IE The sky is falling!!!). That’s Mind sock #1
The great people of that era astound us daily with there insight and knowledge of the stars. Do you know why? I do. Imagine for a minute looking into the sky that is covered with a two mile think water wall. What would you see? Ok, take a telescope and attach a 2 foot think lens to it. Ok, point being planets like mars and Venus where completely visible! The atmosphere dueled as a telescope! You could see them as though you could touch them. God said he gave us the stars and a gift for us. When I see the stars today I feel that there is something missing. Now I know what. The Egyptians had a LITERAL map to travel with and build pyramids with. Alignments would be easy to see and document for future use. HOLY COW! The Mayans watched the planets align on their back porch! Wow what a thought. That’s Mind sock #2
Now consider the Earth. Without oceans there could literally be twice the amount of land then as there is today. The city of Atlantis. Could it have been real? Hell ya! Sure it was. It was like our New York or better. That is what I believe. Why not. Look at where we are now as far as technology and capacity. This being only about 3000 years or so since the flood. Why couldn't technology be as good or better in their time? Floating cars, skyscrapers, sin cities. Sure.....
Ok now think about the planet health itself. How would the vast plants and trees be fed without rain. (I don’t think it rained then.) Evaporation! the sun heats the waterphere, creates steam and Whalla! We have water.
The earth would literally be a great sauna. There would be a higher air pressure. Oh and speaking of Air. I also believe that the planets could be seen in the daytime too. I'm still trying to prove the theory.
If there were no oceans and the land then is as it is now...(phew). It would stand to reason that all of humanity is now living in the mountains... The depths of the oceans are miles and miles in some places. We, as humans, have built our cities in lower flat regions for the most part. So it would be logical that civilization was populated more where the oceans are now. There are probably more secrets below the ocean flood than we can possibly imagine! I'm ranting now. My mind tends to think faster than my typing..... Ok, Now I did an experiment and if I'm correct about the watersphere then what I'm going to tell will open your mind.
I took a magnifying glass and held it below my kitchen light above my table. It projected a dot on the table. As I moved the magnifying glass up and down I was able to reproduce the image of the light fixture on the table. Of course the image was in reverse but I'm thinking bigger here. Ok, now if the world is surrounded by a watershere and its reflecting the images of the planets on the ground then all the Egyptians or Mayans had to do is watch for the alignment and place a stake in the middle of the reflection. This would be the center of the Pyramid. Right?
We have NEVER been able to duplicate what the Egyptians did because we did not have the watershere. Can you imagine seeing the rings of Saturn or seeing a shooting star stream across the sky as though you could touch it. God said he created the stars for our viewing pleasure. When I look up I feel there is something missing. This would be the link. There is something missing. We are at such ahhhh at what Hubble has brought us. The images of galaxies and supernovas, WOW what a thought.
Here is my take on it. I have wondered for some time about how the Egyptians and Mayans could get accurate solar alignments with the technology that was available in there time. There are too many factors to just throw out that ice packs melted and wiped out their entire technology. If they could figure out the stars with such accuracy and make these marvelous pyramids. Wouldn't it stand to reason that they could also know of the ice packs and their threats? Was there technology so near sided that they missed that one. How about the global warming that it takes to melt it. Its a gradual environmental event. They would have had to know of the treat and prepared for it. Made the technology safe for the future just as we would and do every day. E.L.E. havens are all over the world just for this. I haven\'t seen any specials, documents, or any proof that it was even a remote possibility. Maybe I missed it BUT what I do know is that the pyramids where their evidence yet did not contain any instructions. I think it was a VERY sudden E.L.E. At least acknowledging that its a remote possibility makes it fun. Gives me hope of an unknown mystery unfolding. - This article was written October 8, 2006
Seek the truth and the truth will find you! You will be distrurbed, but by being disturbed, you will never taste death.