Saturday, January 19, 2008

The art of thinking and the universe

When we are alone, it is easy to have bad thoughts. It is that time that we reflect on our lives. We know that there are billions of people on the earth. Each one has a different mind set and a different look. Sometimes I think about someone else's life. What would it be life to live that life? Would I like my house? Would I like the car or the wife? Truth is, when we do that we are confirming that something is wrong with our own lives. For our minds, it is easier to imagine a better life than it is to make your life right.

So what is in your life that isn’t right? Is it the house, car, wife, or money? What makes you happy? These are the questions that you have to ask so that you know what to go after to make it happen. What we think and dream, we make reality. It is a two edge sword. When we think bad thoughts and have bad feeling, we manifest those feeling into reality. When you’re in a bad mood, you want others to be sympathetic and feel the same way as you do. So you make your environment stressful for others and bring them down. It is just us being humans and not wanting to be alone. It is normal and natural to bring others on our journey, even if that journey is not a good one.

The first big step to thinking like an ancient is to be grateful. Being grateful will shift your perceptions of life. I am grateful for my kids, house, wife, eyes, love, and life and so on. You do this each and every morning first thing. With this you can begin to focus and think about things in your life that you want. If you are not happy, then you cannot share love and happiness with others.

The second step is to imagine your life the exact way that you want it to be. Do you want to a journeyman, or do you want to own a big house and fancy car? These things will help guide you to getting what you want. Admittedly, I do not go after the fancy house or car because my dreams are different. I go after helping others. I want to teach though knowledge and experiences. I want to show people the secret to “their” universe and how to change it. Hence, you are reading this.

The last step is to focus one what you want and go and get it. Nothing can stop you if you believe hard enough. Remember, the mind will not like big changes right off the bat. So it may take some time to straiten out your thought. It took my about six months to turn my life around and now it’s exactly where I want to be. I will continue to grow and teach and learn and love. My life is becoming my dream.

Now you saying, as I did, “Wait, you didn’t tell me what to do in order to make that money!” This is true. I can not tell you how. The universe has a funny way of making options available when you want something. Think of it like this. When you want a new car, do you look for one or just think about it? When you go after that car, you have to figure out if you can afford it. You hand a picture of it on the wall. Imagine that you’re driving it. Look in the classifieds for a cheaper one. This is focusing on what you want and eventually you will find the deal for the right price. Now apply this to everything that you want. Sooner or later, it will find a way to find you. You can find more writings at

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