We need to understand the body's Power Supply in order to know our secret selves.
1.How does a car get power? The battery. How are we like a battery you ask? Well there are 3 components to making a battery work. You need:
Water (we have this)
Metal (we have this)
Acid (we have this too )
Now when you mix metal, water and acid you get an electrical charge. Now you know that the stomach has acid. All we have to do is add metal and water. Metal comes in the form of foods and vitamins. Vitamins are loaded with metal. That is why they are do good for you. However, if you do not have enough acid to disolve the metal and make a charge then taking the vitamins would do you no good. Likewise with water.
The Battery is the stomach and the intestines. Acid mixed with water and that "power" is inserted into the blood. The blood then streams through the body and to the brain. We all know there is some really neat electrical happening up there! If we do not give our bodies the proper acid, metal, and water limits, then our brain WILL be under powered.
So there is room for a really good diet.
Take a look at the effects of using acid. I have not, but some old friends of mine have. I would have to say that the extreme amounts of acid make way to much energy for the body to handle. So your brain has a vertual electrical overload. Now we know that when we dream, our brain does not know the difference of real and dreaming. So the overload causes the brain to run real fast. Then it begins misfiring and making it seem as though there are things before you that are not. Feelings you think you are having but not. You would have to know exactly what you want out of the experience in order to control it. I do not know anyone that can.
The brain is a computer!!!
There are certain things you need in order to run a computer.
Motherboard - Which can be compared to the spine.
Lets keep in mind that a computers motherboard contains all the devices that the computer needs to function. An example is a printer. You can consider your arms, legs, and hands and feet as periferials. They connect to the spine and are controls by the brain.
Ready Access Memory (RAM) - This is your conscious, front of the brain
This is your temporary cache for information. Its what we use for day to day activities. It works to help you make decisions, have emotions, and master of the true free will. We make choices each day that are solely controlled by the conscious. (There are much more things about this to talk about, but for now we will keep it simple.
Read Only Memory (ROM) - This is your sub-conscious, back of the brain.
The ROM is your harddrive. This is where information is perminent. From the age of 0 to 6 we are writing information into this area of the brain that allows us to survive the elements. We write everything that we observe here and use it the rest of our lives. Its very difficult to change the information in the sub-conscious.
Processor - This is the pineal gland (in my opinion)
Now the consious and the sub-conscious have to communicate information on a day to day basic. The sub-conscious has to provide the conscious with information to make the day. An example is, recognizing a toaster and what its function is. This information has to be loaded daily. Each time we sleep our cache is dumped and we rest. As we wake up, our conscious is reloaded with information from the sub-conscious. I believe that the pineal gland is the go between for the two consciouses. It takes the information and makes it readable to the conscious and vice versa.
Now lets exampine the breakdown of he human system as it applies globally.
Earth cycles: We have to understand the cycles of the Earth in order to know how it applies to the body. First, every so many thousands of years ( 6000) I think, the Earth starts a new cycle. The earth Begins to rotate at full speed. Land masses change. Civilization changes.
How does rotation speed effect the human? Well its simple. The faster the earth spins, the LESS gravity there is. For instance, tie a marble to a string and then tie the other end of the string to a pencil. Begin to spin the pincil and the marble will begin to space itself from the pencil. The faster you spin it the farther the marle will travel from the pencil.
Ok, now that you understand, lets look at the human body and the effects of gravitry. First, we look to biblical times. This is an era where the earth is mid-cycle and the gravity is about 1/2 less than it is right now. Just imagine yourself with half the gravity. I weigh 160 pounds right now. That means that back then I would weigh about 80 pounds. Now with my size my heart would only have to work 1/2 as hard as it does now. Same applies to all the other organs of the body. So if we think about it the body only had to work 1/2 as hard to grow then as it does now. This could explain the longer life spans of the people and the size differences. Remember that Noah was close to 10 ft. tall and lives something like 800 HUNDRED YEARS!! That is no longer possible. The Earth has slowed quite a bit and the gravity has increased at least 50% since then.
Imagine the effects of the brain then. It could be very large and operate with very little strain from gravity. I will not go deeper into this right now. Just know that gravity is working against us.
Understanding that own bodies are like batteries and the gravity is forcing us to do the same amount of work using twice the power to do it. This aso includes thinking and reacting. I believe that the sudden outbreak of depression in the world is in large part, due to gravitational forces wearing us out. It doesn't take much expend our energy anymore. Remember too that the Earth is constantly slowing down. So each and every day we are just a little heavier.
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